Open... — opens an audio file or an Audacity project in a new
window (unless the current window is empty). To add audio files to
an existing project window, use one of the Import commands in the
Project menu.
Recent Files ... — brings up a list of files you have recently opened in audacity to be re-opened quickly.
Close — closes the current window, asking you if you want to
save changes. On Windows and Unix, closing the last window will quit Audacity,
unless you modify this behavior in the Interface Preferences.
Save Project — saves everything in the window into an Audacity-specific
format so that you can save and quickly continue your work later. An Audacity
project consists of a project file, ending in ".aup", and a project
data folder, ending in "_data". For example, if you name your
project "Composition", then Audacity will create a file called
"Composition.aup" and a folder called Composition_data.
Audacity project files are not meant to be shared with other programs; use
one of the Export commands (below) when you are finished editing a file.
Save Project As... — same as Save Project (above), but lets you
save a project as a new name.
Edit ID3 Tags... — Opens a dialog allowing you to edit the ID3 tags
associated with a project, for MP3 exporting.
Import... — a submenu to group functions to import existing files in your project, namely:
At the beginning of your imported track(s), you may notice a little bit of noise. This is probably the file's header, which Audacity was not able to parse. Just zoom in and select the noise with the Selection Tool, and then choose Delete from the Edit Menu.
Export As ... — a submenu to group functions to export all of the audio in your project as a file of some format, namely:
Export Selection As...
Export Labels... — if you have a
Label Track in your project, this lets
you export the labels as a text file. You can import labels in the
same text format using the "Import Labels..." command in the
Project Menu.
Export Multiple... — lets you split your project into multiple files
all in one step. You can either split them vertically (one new file per
track), or horizontally (using labels in a
Label Track to indicate the breaks between
exported files.
Process Batch... — lets you apply a chain of effects and actions to
selected files. Batch processing settings are available in Preferences
Page Setup... — configure how Audacity will print out the track waveforms using the Print option, and what printer to use.
Print... — Print out the main window view from audacity showing the tracks and waveforms.
Exit (Quit) — closes all windows and exits Audacity, prompting you
to save any unsaved changes first.